In six months, everything has changed. In this HEDNA President’s Roundtable, we will discuss the key risks and drivers for a successful restart to our industry. Payments in hospitality mean so much more than credit card processing at the front desk. In the travel industry, we face some of the most tumultuous risks any industry has ever experienced. Risks of ‘going concern’ exist throughout our industry – from 100-year-old airlines to small B&Bs on the Italian coast, you just can’t be sure what will happen in the next six months. We will spend some time discussing how best to prepare for future growth while guarding against imminent calamity.
Conversation with
Sebastien Leitner, HEDNA President
Mike Carlo, Founder XanderPay
Jayson Canady, HEDNA Boardmember
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HEDNA (Hotel Electronic Distribution Network Association) is a not-for-profit trade association whose worldwide membership includes executives and managers from the most influential companies in the hospitality industry. Founded in 1991, HEDNA’s mission is to be the leading global forum for advancing hospitality distribution through collaboration and knowledge sharing. Its vision calls for HEDNA to be known for creating an environment that fosters strategic collaboration toward business development in the global hospitality industry. For more, visit