As the hotel industry begins the process of recovering from Covid-19, some key payment challenges and requirements will take on extra importance. Our panel will discuss a wide range of topics – ranging from upcoming SCA timelines to refund policies to managing 3rd party payments during economic uncertainty. The panel will hold an open Q&A for attendees.
Laurie Gablehouse, Global Head of Travel Solutions at Ingenico ePayments and Co-chair Guest-Centric Payments Working Group
Rachel Neal, Co-chair Third Party Compensation Working Group
Xavier Ginesta, Chairman at Voxel Group and Co-chair Open Payment Alliance
Moderated by: Mike Carlo, Founder at XanderPay LLC and HEDNA Board Member
HEDNA (Hotel Electronic Distribution Network Association) is a not-for-profit trade association whose worldwide membership includes executives and managers from the most influential companies in the hospitality industry. Founded in 1991, HEDNA’s mission is to be the leading global forum for advancing hospitality distribution through collaboration and knowledge sharing. Its vision calls for HEDNA to be known for creating an environment that fosters strategic collaboration toward business development in the global hospitality industry. For more, visit