Olivia Mitchell on Her Career in Economics and Retirement Policy

The die was cast early for Wharton professor of business economics and public policy Olivia Mitchell to become an economist. Both her parents were economists, and her father’s career as a diplomat brought her to several developing countries including Peru and Chile. Subliminal reinforcement came from the clock on the kitchen table with the words “Time is money.” That has guided her work over a career spanning more than four-and-a-half decades, especially in her role as executive director of Wharton’s Pension Research Council. In a conversation with Wharton Dean Erika James, Mitchell discusses her career path, her research, and how we can make better decisions about retirement, among other topics.

This talk is part of the series “What I’ve Learned,” which puts the spotlight on Wharton faculty who have made a lasting impact on their fields.

#wharton #pension #retirementplanning #retirement #socialsecurity

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